Monday, October 3, 2011

Moving On...

Be warned, fellow 99ers: efforts are already in place to tie our movement to leftist organizations such as and the re-election campaign for President Obama. The Drudge Report, InfoWars (Alex Jones), and anonymous commentators on mainstream news sites are beginning en masse to try to link our movement to various established leftist organizations, with absolutely no evidence to back up their claims (although in the case of InfoWars, this is nothing new).

This is a lie. The Occupy Movement is neither Republican nor Democrat, and does not call for the re-election of Obama or for the election of any other politician. Furthermore, we are definitely not affiliated with, who are bankrolled by the very people we oppose: Wall Street bankers and billionaires such as George Soros.

Should any group or individual outside of the Occupy Movement claim to have our support, they are lying and should be called out on it. Furthermore, should you encounter anyone in your daily life who tries to tell you that the movement is linked to organizations such as, call them out on their lies and ask to see the proof.

You can read more about's ties to Wall Street, George Soros, and the Obama campaign here.

Fox News Interview

This is how you respond to an interview. Know what you're talking about, remain calm, and be concise. I'll repeat calls I've heard on Reddit: if you are not 100% sure of what your positions are, or the positions of OWS, please decline requests to conduct an interview.

Can't wait to see this not aired on Fox.

Occupy Austin General Assembly for Oct. 3

Occupy Austin General Assembly will be held tonight at City Hall from 7 to 9 pm. Planned activities and discussions include a reading of the solidarity statement. More info can be found here.

Support from Tahrir

Amazing to see solidarity pouring in from halfway across the world. The whole world is watching us; let's not disappoint.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Contact Mike Bloomberg

Mayor Bloomberg may be contacted through his office here.

Please politely and respectfully let him know your disappointment with his handling of the Occupy Wall Street protests.

ABC Brings Us To Light

ABC News, at last.
Now watch the comments begin to pile up with astroturfers.

EDIT: Funnily enough, trying to sign up to post a comment results in an infinite loop error on my end. What about you?

At Last, A Declaration!

Declared At Last.

Now let them tell us that we have no core ideals.

How Old Is She, Officer?

Went calmly and civilly. We have a lot to learn from her--but who is she? And why isn't this picture in your newspaper?

Photo courtesy of Adrian Kinloch.

Why Isn't This News?

Presented for your viewing pleasure: the unwarranted use of high-grade pepper spray on peaceful protesters in Union Square, NYC. Ask yourself: why isn't this on the news?

Then go ask others.

I Wrote to the Statesman Today...

...questioning their lack of coverage up to this point of the Occupy Wall Street movement. If you look at today's paper, you'll notice a small 2 inch by 2 inch blurb on Page 3 of the A section which says...almost nothing about the movement. This is the only attention the Statesman has given the movement so far.

Such treatment is more coverup than coverage. Join me in writing the Statesman; be polite, courteous, and direct, saying that you are interested in media coverage of the Occupy Wall Street movement and wish to inquire why the Statesman has made a point of ignoring the movement.

Join me here.


Economic justice and the removal of corruption from government.

Here's What I Want:

  • No more government bailouts of corporations should they be on the brink of collapse.
  • No more corporate personhood. Corporate donations are not free speech.
  • No more government kickbacks to corporations. IE Monsanto in the FDA.
  • No more basing economic policy off of what benefits those at the top most, such as the bailouts, low tax rates for the wealthiest of Americans while climbing ones for the middle and lower classes, and so forth.
  • No more attacks on middle America: for example, no more union-busting, no more cutting of benefits to public workers, no more calls for an end to the minimum wage.
  • Closing of tax loopholes for corporations; no more GE paying diddly-squat in taxes.
  • No more violent force against peaceful protesters.

This Is What OWS Means To Me.

I am not a radical. I am an average American citizen. I am for economic opportunity and stability. I am for the free market.

What I am against is what we have right now, which is a purchased market--where those who have the resources to do so are free to constantly rewrite the rules to their benefit without recourse. I am against a government artificially inflating an economy through bad business practices and taxpayer-funded bailouts of companies that should be allowed to fail. I am against the constant class war in this country, in which those who do not make over a certain amount of money per year are constantly beaten down and cast aside through the legal process. I am against the idea of corporate personhood. I am against corporate money funding politicians and against politicians giving kickbacks and spoils to their corporate donors. I am against a society in which the needs of those few at the top outweigh the needs of the many below them. And lastly, I am against the use of violent force to silence those who would speak out against the society in which they live.