What I am against is what we have right now, which is a purchased market--where those who have the resources to do so are free to constantly rewrite the rules to their benefit without recourse. I am against a government artificially inflating an economy through bad business practices and taxpayer-funded bailouts of companies that should be allowed to fail. I am against the constant class war in this country, in which those who do not make over a certain amount of money per year are constantly beaten down and cast aside through the legal process. I am against the idea of corporate personhood. I am against corporate money funding politicians and against politicians giving kickbacks and spoils to their corporate donors. I am against a society in which the needs of those few at the top outweigh the needs of the many below them. And lastly, I am against the use of violent force to silence those who would speak out against the society in which they live.
Here's what I want:
- No more government bailouts of corporations should they be on the brink of collapse.
- No more corporate personhood. Corporate donations are not free speech.
- No more government kickbacks to corporations. IE Monsanto in the FDA.
- No more basing economic policy off of what benefits those at the top most, such as the bailouts, low tax rates for the wealthiest of Americans while climbing ones for the middle and lower classes, and so forth.
- No more attacks on middle America: for example, no more union-busting, no more cutting of benefits to public workers, no more calls for an end to the minimum wage.
- Closing of tax loopholes for corporations; no more GE paying diddly-squat in taxes.
- No more violent force against peaceful protesters.
In short, I and the Occupy Wall Street Movement seek economic justice and the removal of corruption from government.