Monday, October 3, 2011

Moving On...

Be warned, fellow 99ers: efforts are already in place to tie our movement to leftist organizations such as and the re-election campaign for President Obama. The Drudge Report, InfoWars (Alex Jones), and anonymous commentators on mainstream news sites are beginning en masse to try to link our movement to various established leftist organizations, with absolutely no evidence to back up their claims (although in the case of InfoWars, this is nothing new).

This is a lie. The Occupy Movement is neither Republican nor Democrat, and does not call for the re-election of Obama or for the election of any other politician. Furthermore, we are definitely not affiliated with, who are bankrolled by the very people we oppose: Wall Street bankers and billionaires such as George Soros.

Should any group or individual outside of the Occupy Movement claim to have our support, they are lying and should be called out on it. Furthermore, should you encounter anyone in your daily life who tries to tell you that the movement is linked to organizations such as, call them out on their lies and ask to see the proof.

You can read more about's ties to Wall Street, George Soros, and the Obama campaign here.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! I've already encountered many people trying to lump the Occupy movement with a number of political and political fringe movements - tea party (REALLY!?), Obama re-election etc.
